Werkgroep Cardiologische centra Nederland

Platform Research Networks

The Platform Research Networks (Platform Onderzoekersnetwerken [PO]) is a widely inclusive forum of clinical research networks in the Netherlands. PO represents (initiating and participating) clinical investiators and is committed to solving challenges. This is done by pooling and deploying expertise, both process substantive, operational and regulatory, in consultation with relevant field parties. 

NVOG consortium (obstetrics and gynecology), Pedmed-NL (pediatrics), DORP (oncology), and WCN (cardiology) have establised the platform in 2019. Each network has its own organization and offers its own set of services and support. What unites us is our mission to create and maintain an optimal research climate for clinical investigators in the Netherlands. This is vital to ensure the continuation of high-quality clinical research in a competitive international market.

PO supports investigators by identifying and solving bottlenecks together, and jointly influencing existing and new regulations on clinical research. By sharing knowledge and expertise about the design and conduct of clinical trials, PO is committed to creating and maintaining a high-quality clinical research environment.

PO is more than just a platform - it's a community of passionate professionals committed to driving positive change through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Contact us at secretariaat@wcn.life for more information on the platform.