Werkgroep Cardiologische centra Nederland


WCN is a investigator network of 49 cardiovascular institutes across the Netherlands. Our investigators and research professionals are well-trained and qualified experts with extensive experience in the field of clinical research.

Our members work in compliance with ICH-GCP guidelines and WCN Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Within our network there is adherence to high quality standards imposed by the members. These quality requirements aim to secure patient safety, data quality, successful project execution and alignment across institutes. 

Financial Transparency

It's our mission to deliver high quality clinical research to improve our patients’ health.

WCN is a clinical investigator network in the cardiovascular field. We contribute to a fair and transparent eco-system in the operations of clinical trials, both investigator and industry driven. WCN provides services to optimize quality and impact of clinical trials. All member sites commit to one budget, based on the scope of the work in the ethical committee (EC) approved protocol.

WCN refrains from favor or fraud and to do so we operate per network SOPs. WCN is committed to the applicable rules and regulations (Wet Medisch Onderzoek (WMO) and ICH-Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)) about transparency and a fair reimbursement system for the activities and services in performing clinical trials within our network and by our local investigator sites.

The European Union Clinical Trial Regulation (EU-CTR) has improved transparency in the field of clinical trials with investigational drugs. Clinical Trial operations and finances are regulated not only through the EU-CTR but also by the WMO law and ICH-GCP regulations, and sponsors are bound to follow the Fair Market Value principles.

WCN has developed a Position Statement on this topic. In case of questions we are open for consultation.

Useful links:

Legal framework medical scientific research 

Financial compensation 

Clinical trials with medicinal products (CTR) 

non-WMO research