Werkgroep Cardiologische centra Nederland

dr. M.C.G. Daniëls

Foto van: dr. M.C.G. Daniëls

WCN function

  • Warcef Heart failure Studiedirecteur

Publicaties WCN-studies: dr. M.C.G. Daniëls

  • Combination of calcium channel blockers and beta blockers for patients with exercise-induced angina pectoris: a double-blind parallel-group comparison of different classes of calcium channel blockers. The Netherlands Working Group on Cardiovascular Research (WCN)Angiology - Abstract - Daniëls, dr. M.C.G. [inactief]
  • Combination of calcium channel blockers and beta-adrenoceptor blockers for patients with exercise-induced angina pectoris: a double-blind parallel-group comparison of different classes of calcium channel blockers. Netherlands Working Group on Cardiovascular Research (WCN)Br J Clin Pharmacol - Abstract - Daniëls, dr. M.C.G. [inactief]

Publications by WCN study

Publications WCN studies by WCN member